Showcase of Standards

The Idaho Online Teaching Standards are listed below with any knowledge components detailed.  The performance indicators and artifacts demonstrating competency are linked below as well.

Performance Indicator Quick Links

Standard 1Standard 2 Standard 3Standard 4Standard 5Standard 6Standard 7Standard 8Standard 9 – Standard 10


Standard #1: Knowledge of Online Education – The online teacher understands the central
concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures in online instruction and creates learning
experiences that take advantage of the transformative potential in online learning

1. The online teacher understands the current standards for best practices in online teaching
and learning.

2. The online teacher understands the role of online teaching in preparing students for the
global community of the future.

3. The online teacher understands concepts, assumptions, debates, processes of inquiry, and
ways of knowing that are central to the field of online teaching and learning.

4. The online teacher understands the relationship between online education and other subject
areas and real life situations.

5. The online teacher understands the relationship between online teaching and advancing

6. The online teacher understands appropriate uses of technologies to promote student
learning and engagement with the content.

7. The online teacher understands the instructional delivery continuum. (e.g., fully online to
blended to face-to-face).


1. The online teacher realizes that online education is not a fixed body of knowledge but is complex and ever evolving.

2. The online teacher has enthusiasm for online education and the potential to positively impact student learning.

Performance Indicators

Standard #2: Knowledge of Human Development and Learning – The
teacher understands how students learn and develop, and provides opportunities that support
their intellectual, social, and personal development.

No Knowledge Component

No Disposition

Performance Indicators 

Standard #3: Modifying Instruction for Individual Needs – The teacher understands how
students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are
adapted to learners with diverse needs.

Knowledge / Disposition
The online teacher is familiar with legal mandates stipulated by the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the
Assistive Technology Act and Section 508 requirements for accessibility.

Performance Indicators 

Standard #4: Multiple Instructional Strategies – The online teacher understands and uses a
variety of instructional strategies to develop students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and
performance skills.

1. The online teacher understands the techniques and applications of various online
instructional strategies (e.g., discussion, student-directed learning, collaborative learning,
lecture, project-based learning, forum, small group work).

2. The online teacher understands appropriate uses of learning and/or content management
systems for student learning.


1. The online teacher promotes student autonomy, independence and responsibility for lesson mastery.

2. The online teacher promotes, supports, and models creative and innovative thinking, and inventiveness.

3. The online teacher promotes student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

Performance Indicators

Standard #5: Classroom Motivation and Management Skills – The teacher understands
individual and group motivation and behavior and creates a learning environment that
encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

No Knowledge Component

No Dispositions

Performance Indicators

Standard #6: Communication Skills, Networking, and Community Building – The online
teacher uses a variety of communication techniques including verbal, nonverbal, and media to
foster inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in and beyond the classroom.

Knowledge / Dispositions
The online teacher knows the importance of verbal (synchronous) as well as nonverbal
(asynchronous) communication.

Performance Indicators

Standard #7: Instructional Planning Skills – The online teacher plans and prepares
instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum

No Knowledge Component

No Dispositions

Performance Indicators

Standard #8: Assessment of Student Learning – The online teacher understands, uses, and
interprets formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and advance student
performance and to determine program effectiveness.

No Knowledge Component

No Dispositions

Performance Indicators

Standard #9: Professional Commitment and Responsibility – The online teacher is a reflective
practitioner who demonstrates a commitment to professional standards and is continuously
engaged in purposeful mastery of the art and science of online teaching.

1. The online teacher understands the need for professional activity and collaboration beyond
school (e.g. professional learning communities).

2. The online teach

The online teacher recognizes his/her professional responsibility to contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession as well as to his/her online school and community.

Performance Indicators

Standard #10: Partnerships – The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner
with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ learning
and well being.

No Knowledge Component

No Dispositions

No Performance Indicators


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