Standard 10

The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ learning and well being.


  • Letter of Recommendation – This letter was written by a current supervisor for possible employment with other educational organizations.  I personally believe that relationships form the key to any successful educational system.  It doesn’t matter if it is in K-12, College and University settings, or the corporate and business world.  The relationships that teachers and trainer’s create with learners is especially important and an aspect that most educators can agree on, but the relationships with other stakeholders, colleagues, and different departments, is equally important.  I strive to maintain and create positive and mutually beneficial relationships with colleagues in my own department and other departments.  It’s when we can come together, communicate, and make decisions together that the learners and students really thrive.  This letter of recommendation speaks to my abilities and successes in that area.

    For the sake anonymity and confidentiality, the identity of the writer as well as the company have been obscured.

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