Professional Commitment and Responsibility – The online teacher is a reflective practitioner who demonstrates a commitment to professional standards and is continuously engaged in purposeful mastery of the art and science of online teaching.
Performance Indicator #9.1 The online teacher adheres to local, state, and federal laws and policies.
9.1a – Demonstrated knowledge of Fair Use.
- Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt – The scavenger hunt takes students through the process of copyright and what is considered fair use. There is a worksheet with questions to answer. With the issues that plague education with plagiarism and copyright in the digital age, this is an imperative lesson. It was designed to be used in any environment (traditional, online, or blended).
9.1b – Demonstrated knowledge of FERPA regulations (course policy, syllabus).
- Syllabus – Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination – I created this syllabus for the online course. It details course expectations, grading policies, late policies, and academic honesty policies. It also provides a schedule, instructor contact information, and communication response time guidelines. It also includes the course goals and objectives.
Performance Indicator #9.2 The online teacher has participated in an online course and applies experiences as an online student to develop and implement successful strategies for online teaching environments.
- EDTECH Learning Log – My EDTECH learning log is a repository or reflections, assignments, and tasks created for all of my online coursework at Boise State University. All of my coursework has been online and I publish most of my assignments and reflections to this learning log.
Performance Indicator #9.3 The online teacher demonstrates alignment of educational standards and curriculum with 21st century technology skills.
- Course Expectations – Discussion Based Assessment – I developed this discussion board to fit into IDLA language arts courses. It was part of my online field experience course that I took on my path to the Idaho Online Teaching Endorsement. IDLA asked that interns create an assessment that is discussion based. This assessment is designed to go hand in hand with a netiquette lesson. It uses text and images and requires students to review the syllabus and expectations of them. It also gives them a chance to analyze the expectations and think of as well as discuss some of expectations that they might have for the course and instructor. A modified version will be included in the English 12B course starting next term.