Classroom Motivation and Management Skills – The teacher understands individual and group motivation and behavior and creates a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Performance Indicator #5.1 The online teacher establishes a positive and safe climate in the classroom and participates in maintaining a healthy environment in the school or program as a whole.
- Space, The MOOC (Introductions and Icebreaker) – The icebreaker activities in this MOOC include a discussion based activity and a self – introduction via the Facebook group for this course. Both of these activities are designed for students to get to know each other and help kick-start the formation of the online community.
Performance Indicator #5.2 The online teacher performs management tasks.
- Screen Writing – The Scene (Grade Book) – This a grade-book in use with the Screen Writing course. It allows to track student participation, enrollment, and learning outcomes.
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Performance Indicator #5.3 The online teacher uses effective time management strategies.
- Digital Communication with Students – I created these guidelines and suggestions for communicating with students when the traditional means (email and telephone) fail or are not acceptable forms. It was created during EDTECH 502. It discusses three Web 2.0 tools that help to facilitate communication with students in the digital age.