Modifying Instruction for Individual Needs – The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to learners with diverse needs.
Performance Indicator #3.1 The online teacher knows how adaptive/assistive technologies are used to help people who have disabilities gain access to information that might otherwise be inaccessible.
- Accessibility Links for People with Color Blindness – I created this page as part of my coursework for EDTECH 502. It includes a number of resources for designers of web-pages and web-tools so that they can create pages that are more accessible to those that suffer from color blindness.
Performance Indicator #3.2 The online teacher modifies, customizes and/or personalizes activities to address diverse learning styles, working strategies and abilities.
- Task Object Assessment Item Blueprint (TOAB) – Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination – This document was created during the design process of the my online course – Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination. I analyzed the types of skills that would be needed to complete the task in the online course and how to best helps students develop the skills.
Performance Indicator #3.3 The online teacher coordinates learning experiences with adult professionals.
- Telephone Interview Tool – The document outlines questions to ask during and initial interview with parents, students, site coordinators, and other professionals involved with the student. It’s designed to gather pertinent information to assist in the learning process.